

drawings &


the human


the human matrix, or
the architecture of maya









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When word, object and mental image are mixed up, confusion arises.
Patanjali - Yoga Sutras (III,17)

You need to rub yourself with words and works.

Put the words to the test of your experience. Do not be carried away by anyone else's words. Rub yourself with each word through work and practice. Rubbing means to experience. Go with it! Find out! You develop original intelligence by rubbing the thought with the experience, and that originality is meditation.

B.K.S. Iyengar

The soul is calm.
The people are lazy.
The individual is stupid.
Boris Groys

overview of problems, questions

(1) I don't know. I don't understand.
(2) Where and why do things go wrong.


(1) this is a purely logical view on things.
(-) it is not practical.
(-) it is not scientific.
(-) it is not prosaic.
(-) it is not religious.
(-) it is not fictive.

work in progress ... preliminary ... incomplete

assumptions, rules

(1) Attention is attracted by energy.
(2) Life current flows from awareness to the powers.
(3) Awareness can be directed to the outer world or the inner atmosphere.
(4) Mind is where everything happens.

mind content monday august 6 2007 11 pm berlin germany

discussion of problems

(1.1) Attention naturally directs to what is loud, big, beautiful, elegant, sexy, ugly, horrible, informative, changing, NEW, etcetera.

(3.1) Western science and culture strongly emphasise the attention to the outer world with visible, tremendous results in culture and science.

(3.2) War, hunger, mass destruction of people, animals and nature, individual sufferings are justified with reference to the cultural and scientific progress.

(3.3) Addressing these disasters with western science (looking out) is doomed to fail. You have to have peace in yourself before you can bring it to the people. You have to help yourself before you can help others.

(3.4) Often, not always, at the end of a personal career happens an individual disaster, catastrophe in form of a depression, desease or suicide. If not happening by itself, the discerning fellowmen will do their best to make that happen, as done with Sokrates and Jesus and many more. From an outside perspective culture and science may look like reckless, insensitive, hungry beasts. Are the individual oblations a must for cultural, scientific development?

(3.5) There are strong indications that beeing caught in maya, ignorance is equivalent to being crazy, mad, sick.

(3.6) Eastern science and culture emphasise the attention to the inner atmospheres (body, emotion, thought, intelligence, bliss) with promised end of individual suffering and peaceful interbeing (I borrow this term from Thich Nhat Hanh, interbeing: nothing and no one exists on its own, everything which exits relies on many others).

(4.1) The mind is the showroom of the universe. It's our very personal showroom.

(4.2) Meditation works like an art gallery. Before a new show every room is cleaned and emptied. If the rooms were not cleaned and emptied before an exhibition it would not be art but reality show.

(4.3) The artists of that gallery are:
(1) imagination,
(2) memory,
(3) light-,
(4) sound-,
(5) odour-,
(6) taste-,
(7) body-perception,
(8) emotion,
(9) words and thoughts.
Then you have the consumers, which are
(a) the private collector (ego),
(b) the art critic, watcher (intelligence), and
(c) the public museum (conscience, soul).


Everything before entering our mind has to go through perception.

The mind is the showroom of the universe.

The universe experiences itself through mind.

The mind, our minds, every mind is perfect. There is no mind which is better or worse than other minds. Each and every mind is perfect, wonderful.

If there is a problem, mind will find a solution. If, let's say, the memory is not working so well, mind will ask imagination and phantasy to jump in. You may call this person a liar but it is the perfect mind which always finds a way out.

The mind does not make mistakes. It acts upon the contents coming from the various perceptions and draws conclusions based on egoistic will to get pleasure, reason will to do it right and divine will to do it good.

The various perceptions may have some afflictions and aberrations so that the content of mind may not be exactly reflecting that what is actually out there. The inputs from the world may be subject to hysteria, depression, affection or declination so that the content of mind will be distorted, contorted, baroque. Judgenment and action will be based on the wrong perception and the resulting behaviour may look strange.

The attention to the various inputs may also not be balanced so that we overfocus one and ignore the other. One may focus on gesture and sound someone else may focus on words and thoughts so the content of mind will be fragmented, incomplete and the perception on one and the same thing may be different and contradictionary in various minds. A dispute can easily start from this.

Last but not least the judgement may be based on egoistic will, reason will and divine will. If any is left out the reflection will be incomplete and unwise.


Ego, by nature, is a collector of pleasant impressions. Like any collector it always wants more.

The second nature of ego is the love for role games playing. The thought 'I am' is a ego construct. It's a fake. There is no reality referring to that thought. Ego loves that. I am a policeman or I am a pilot or I am a captain. We have several roles which we carry with us and we change between them all day - I, sportsman, family man, boss, friend, enemy, loser, driver, drinker, lover, genius, etc.

Each wound we carry with us refers to one role. When we are hurt we have to check to which role this refers to. If we let go the role the sorrow goes away together with the role.

The roles and rituals are helpful and needed for cultural organization and interaction. But as soon as we identify ourselfes with these roles we are in trouble. Then we are at war with ourselves and others.

The praised nirvana must be the absence of roles.

Ego roles cannot survive without confirmation. Ego roles need confirmation by others to exist.

How can I prove that the thought 'I am' is a fake? I think I cannot. But consider that there is no one single role which does not come together with the need for confirmation by others. Ego, knowing the assumed role is a fake, goes out and asks for proof. If it would be confident there would not be a need for proof. For each role a repeated stream of acknowledgements is needed like the nicotine for a smoker. As soon as one confirmation comes in, the pain from deprivation starts from the beginning until the next confirmation. Allen Carr explains that wonderfully in how to quit smoking. What we take as pleasure is the short interruption of the pain from deprivation by confirmation. We are all multi complex drug addicts. Drug supply, i.e. ego role confirmation, is requested on multiple channels in parallel. We look at every human beeing as a potential drug dealer, drug supplier for us addicts. The only problem is that everyone wants to be addict but no one wants to be dealer. When we do not get our rate we get angry.

The strong desire for confirmation I take as the proof that the ego roles stay on loose ground. The fact that there is no role without the need for confirmation I take as proof that the thought 'I am something' or 'I am someone' is void. The thought 'I am' is the prototype of the thought 'I am someone'. 'I am' is a fake. Is it a fake or is it the biggest miracle on earth?


read from top to down, left to right, then
read from left to right, top to down.

god mahat history memory
soul purusa museum conscience
holy spirit buddhi art critic intelligence
jesus ahamkara art collector ego
church manas galery mind
priest guru galerist culture
christ yogi artist human being
faith citta vrttis art sensory impressions
salvation samadhi black square from malewitsch death

the five evolutionary steps of form - samkhya philosophy

certaintybuddhi, intelligence
distinctionahamkara, me and not me
differencemanas, reflection, arrangement, comparison


Intelligence is to know what to do.

To do is to change.


Form is any content of mind, e.g. the thought "I am".

Say a chair is the content of mind: the outside object "chair" is the potential of my inside form "chair". We all have a very good understanding how to deal with chairs. And we have no problem to separate the object chair from the perception of the the chair. The relation of form and potential seem to be more difficult in "I am". Here we take it as a given that the object and the perception is one and the same. The one who thinks "I am" is "I". According to sage Patanjali this is a major mistake (Sutra II,6 cited below).

For a buddhist - to see a chair is to be a chair - is "I am" is "I" fully OK.

the five sheaths of being (kosas) - yoga philosophy

physical bodyannamaya kosa
energy bodypranamaya kosa
mind bodymanomaya kosa
intelligence, intuition bodyvijnanamaya kosa
blissful, soul bodyanandamaya kosa

the two directions of attention

outward directed consciousnessvyutthana-citta
inward directed consciousnesssamahita-citta

The two directions of attention.

the four states of consciousnes

 UMANI AVASTHAtransition state
 AHLADINItransition state
PRAJNAdeep sleep
 SAMADHItransition state

Source: Mandukya Upanishad

The four states of consciousness Vaishvanara (waking), Taijasa (dream), Prajna (deep sleep) and Turiya, the highest state.

the five states of mind


The five mind states.

the five states of mind ii

one pointedekagrata-citta

The five mind states.

the five states of mind iii

wrong perceptionviparyaya-vrtti
correct knowledgepramana-vrtti

The five mind states.

the five states of the body


The five body states.

the five inner senses (according to patrick kelly)

joint position
muscle stateholding, contracting, relaxing, stretching, un-stretching


the four states of breathing

antara, puraka kumbhakainner restraint of breath after inhalation
bahya, rechaka kumbhakaouter restrain of breath after exhalation

The four breathing states.

the five talents - buddhism

faith(compassion, heart)
reason(insight, mind)

the five natural actions

  • directing the attention
  • directing the action

the five egoistic actions


the five blissful actions


the five steps of action

  • intention
  • information flow (via energy field)
  • structural change (movement)
  • reflection (information flow)
  • understanding

the five steps to joy


the capabilities of the mind

mirroringto reflect what is
reasoningto act wisely
discerningto realize reality

the functions of the mind


the functions of the logic


the failure cases

omission, lack, bungle

the will

the divine will
the will of naturelinga
the will of culture
individual will of intelligent discriminationbuddhi
the individual will of egoahamkara

the powers

divine power
spiritual power
natural power
cultural power
individual power

the divine powers


the spiritual powers

bliss, joy, grace, union
intelligence, intuition
reason, distinction, conclusion

the natural powers

stabilitymass (m)tamas
mobilitylight (c²)rajas

the cultural powers

roles(policeman, fireman, pilot, architect, artist, father, mother, husband, lover, gangsta, napoleon, etc... )
tools and weapons

the individual powers (chakras)

rootmuladharasurvival, grounding, sexuality (for men), stability, smell
sacrumsvadhishthanacreativity, sexual energy (for women), desire, pleasure, stability, self confidence, well-being, taste
solar plexusmanipurawill, determination, assertion, personal power, laughter, joy, anger, sight
heart,lunganahatalove, wisdom, stability, perseverance, mental patience and equilibrium, or pleasure, compassion, touch
throatvisuddhacreativity, communication, expression, eloquence, intuition, synthesis, hearing
third eyeajnadirect perception, intuition, imagination, visualization, concentration, self-mastery , extra sensory perception
crownsahasraraunion, bliss, sense of empathy

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra

subject object relation

ego role

role attributes



subject is the topic, the matter, e.g. a cup of coffee.

role is my position, e.g. coffee drinker.

concept is my predefined idea of the topic, e.g. my idea how coffee must taste.

ritual is the procedure I use for this topic, e.g. drink coffee for breakfast and after lunch or drink coffee all day.

object is the actual real thing, e.g. the cup of coffee.

from the relation between the concept (coffee has to be strong) and the actual object our emotions evolve: this coffee is no good, that coffee is perfect.







god no no no yes the absolute, very objective
religion yes yes yes no concepts about god
religion yes yes yes yes concepts about religous life
ghosts yesyesyesno
paranoia yesyesyesno
self yesyesyesno
shopping yesyesyesno
father yesyesyesyes
mother yesyesyesyes
teacher yesyesyesyes
elder yesyesyesyes
superior yesyesyesyes
comrade yesyesyesyes
fellow yesyesyesyes
friend yesyesyesyes
lover yesyesyesyes
younger yesyesyesyes
subordinate yesyesyesyes
student yesyesyesyes
child yesyesyesyes
entertainment yes yes yes yes
science yes yes yes yes
art yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/no
art yes yes yes no Kasimir Malewitsch, black square
art yes no no yes Marcel Duchamp, ready made
art yes no yes no Andrei Monastyrsky, empty activities
yoga yes yes yes yes yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratjahara, dharana, dhyana
yoga no no no no samadhi
zen yes yes yes yes tea ceremony. the tea drinker, the preparartion, the drinking, the tea
zen no no no no hishiryo

see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hishiryo


If I take god as absolute and present in everything and relate to everything as my relation to god then there is no role, no concept, no anger, no worry, no doubt, no sorrow, but wonderful interbeing. Since there is no conception of how things and people have to be there is also no emotion evolving out of these relations, this is true mushotoku.

EGO contd.

The nature of ego is role playing. Ego is a role player.

As soon as I apply a role to myself and the according conceptions of how things and people have to be, I am separated, banished from paradise.

Religion is all about concepts about god and religous life. It is also about fight with other, different concepts about god.

The nakedness in paradise is the absence of roles, concepts and rituals. As soon as we take off our roles we enter paradise. here. now.

Yoga, zen and the like are kind of striptease, where we slowly take off all roles, concepts, rituals, desires, ambitions, aversions, fears.


Individuality is made up of the following:





action, power

No ones individualtiy is fixed. Everything can change.

I try to fit in other peoples conceptions. I am suppressed by culture. I am a victim of role playing.

I try to make other people to fit into my conceptions. I am suppressing individuals. I am a victim of role playing.


Emotions arise when an object (objective reality) meets a concept.

Each concept belongs, relates to a certain role.

When we analyse the emotion, and denote the related subject, ritual, desire, concept and role we get the key to ourselves and others.

The sum of all ego-roles - concepts, desires, aversions, fears, ambitions, rituals - is the key to our understanding.

As with security locks the key becomes more and more complex.

We may use this key to rob others as done in advertisement or to develop our love towards others. True love comes from understanding.

Our emotions are a wonderful instrument to help our understanding. It alsmost seems as if we were pushed to understand. If we deny, ignore, suppress our emotions we become sick.


Thoughts arise when ego enters a role.
Thoughts arise when ego works on role concepts.
Thoughts arise when role confirmation goes low.
Thoughts arise when an object enters a role.
Every time ego moves or is moved thought waves are kicked off.
Thoughts always relate to a ego role.
Thoughts end when ego does not assume a role.

Thoughts belong to a paricular ego role.
Thoughts are
- ambitious, or
- fearful, or
- longing, or
- declining, or
- conceptual, or
- refer to a ritual.

Impressions reach from the finest, most subtle movements of mind up to pain.
Then there are physical feelings, disturbances, pressures, tensions.
Thoughts are the first alarm.
Emotions are the second alarm. They are less subtle than thoughts.
Pain is the third alarm. Pain is bold.

This whole mechanism is either controlling us or we are the master of this wonder.

Consider the following sceanrios:


Words connect the roles to each other. During our thought stream we eventually step on words loaded with association. The association kicks us into a different role and given that into a new concept. That goes so fast that we don't notice and on we go in a new role-concept consideration entirely unrelated to what we started with. We may start with the shopping list and end up in our relation conflicts. There is nothing wrong with this. But is it right? This role concept thought roller coaster goes on all day.

Concentration means to stay longer in one role concept without beeing kicked into the next.


To find out whether there is anything wrong with ego roles there is an easy test I can do: Are my relations to my private and professional surrounding based on mindfulness, awareness, understanding, love and joy or are they based on roles games playing like I am the mother, I am the father, I am the husband, I am the wife, I am the lover, I am the son, I am the daughter, I am the friend, I am the boss, I am the employee, I am the author, I am friedrich nietzsche. Can it be that the problems I have directly relate to the roles I play?

Overview of problems categories:
- Ego role has not been confirmed for some while now.
- Ego role ambition has not been met so far for some reason.
- Ego role concepts still have some bugs open, unresolved.
- Ego role desires have not been stilled for some while now.
- Ego role aversions are constantly ignored by reality.
- Ego role fears get more and more substantiation by news every day.


I cannot find any logic in nature. Logic is applied on top of nature and is part of culture. I suspect that logic belongs to ego activities and even find relations between ego role attributes and logical functions as follows:

ego role attribute

logical function

role confirmation















Evolution is the diversification of the ego roles. If I list all ego roles of the society at a given time, I get a snapshot of the evolution process. The law is that the ego roles become more as we proceed.

Evolution is the creation and development of ego roles, money and tools & weapons, i.e. technology.

The development of ego is direct proportional to the development of culture.

The growth of ego is the suppression of humanity.

The growth of culture is the suppression of nature.



There are two choices:

work with motivation

to work with motivation is ego work.

work without motivation

to work without motivation is spiritual work.

work phases:

pushing pulling pressing tucking is ego work to fit into concepts.

allowing, giving space to the alignment to occur is spiritual work.

alignment cannot be enforced like we cannot enforce to fall asleep.

the shoulders have to go back and down is a concept.

concepts may be used to point us to the right direction.
concepts can be abused to suppress our natural intelligence.

to bring, pull, push, press the shoulders back and down is ego concept work.

to let the shoulders go back and down with breath and prana is spiritual work.

doing abhyasa without vairagya makes us tense.

doing vairagya without abhyasa makes us loose.

doing abhyasa and vairagya makes us strong and flexibel.

spiritual work is to give space and time to allow the right thing to happen. the universe is spirituality.


The driving forces to become active:



Negativity is the confrontation with and opposition to the current situation, moment.

Who said it is our best friend?


In the beginning we learn that the instructions of the teacher given for the various yoga asanas refer to the intelligence of the body. The asana is not the sum of the instructions, but the realization of that intelligence. The instructions just point in the right direction. And they should not be confused with the intelligence of the body. They are the intelligene of the teacher. If we just follow blindly the instructions we never get in touch with the intellience of the body. But then during our exercise we learn to know that that same body is cheating all over the places and does not do at all what has been instructed.

The reason why the body is not doing what it should do is that the very nature of the body is tamasic, inertia. The body wants to lay on the couch watching television. The body wants to go with habits because the habits feel good. The work in the yoga asanas is to move away from habitual reaction, habitual inertia to intelligent performance. Doing something different from habit is doing something new and feels strange, uncomfortable.

Conservatism is to do what we always did, is to avoid change, is to stay in inertia. Of course there is charm to it.

See also Creativity

(Source: B.K.S.Iyengar through Gabriella Giubilaro, Sep 2007)


Creative work is not to invent something new but to repeat the same and study and refine it.

See also Conservatism

(Source: B.K.S.Iyengar through Gabriella Giubilaro, Sep 2007)


Do not go to your maximum. If you go to your maximum you start to become stupid. Leave some room for movement. Leave some room to try out different directions. Leave some room for observation. Leave room for intelligence. Leave room so you know what you do.

(Source: B.K.S.Iyengar through Gabriella Giubilaro, Sep 2007)


Spirituality is the work on ego roles. It is to let them go (in peace).

Consider the following confrontation.



looking inside

  • with awareness, mindfulness
  • to develop understanding
  • to develop love

looking inside

  • to maintain and develop ego roles, concepts, ambitions, desires, fears

looking outside

  • to help others

looking outside

  • to get role confirmation
  • to get pleasure


Virtue is integration.

Iyengar says that if you do what you should not do you lose your integration.

If I think of a scale from less integrated to more integrated I would not know the criteria how to measure integration. If I think of what is best and most integrated within itself, how the big relates to the small, the heavy to the light, the protrusive to the embracing, active to passive, synthetic to the organic, integrated with outside others, room, space, urban architecture, people, sheeps, landscape and universe, then Henry Moore sculptures come into my mind as the perfect, perfect integration.

And now - and it took me a while - it makes perfect sense that Dogen Zenji considers the mountains as most virtuous. Of course they are.

the feelings

body temperature
body pressure
body tension
body disturbance
body surrounding
composition in space
composition in time

the emotions (9 or 8 main emotions according to indian system)

the angry 
the worried
the fearful
the adverse
the joyful
the heroic
the wonderful
the erotic

the emotions - indian scheme with rasa, sthayibhava and vyabhichara

mindful consumptions - the 4 nutriments
(buddhism, source: thich nath hanh)

sensory impressionsdepression comes from unmindful consumption
volitionsyour deepest desire
the desire to help others brings energy & happiness
the desire to punish, fame, wealth, sex lead to unhappiness
collective consciousnesssangha

dear buddha I give up. you walk for me. buddha is not a god. buddha is in you. buddha is the best part in you. to ask buddha to help you always works. thich nath hanh

the movements


the movements of the mind(to be studied and mastered with yoga)
the movements of the body(to be studied and mastered with dance)
the movements of the information(to be studied and mastered with logic)
the movements of the conviction(to be studied and mastered with zen)



very lowtai ji
very highrap



very low
very high

the coordination system of conviction


the levels of conviction


longing for pleasurefood, things, sensation, sex
longing for wealth
longing for fame
the will to govern
the will to build
the will to entertain
the will to heal
the will to teach
the will to learn
the striving for liberation

the spheres of conviction



ego afflictions


we have an instrument where form can manifest, our self. as soon as we take the instrument as something else, then we are caught in egotism with the afflictions given above. Sutra II,6 drg-darshana-shaktyor ekatmata iva asmita. egotism (asmita) is the equation of the seer with the instrument of seeing.


perception coordinates

sound perception afflictions


words and thoughts imagination afflictions


judgement afflictions

will afflictions


end of document