

drawings &


the human


the human matrix, or
the architecture of maya









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Human Matrix Verification - Exercise III

Exercise: The word, the edge of the word, the absence of words.

The subject: dawn, dusk

When you meet someone you have not seen for some years and you don't recognize the person straight away, although you are sure you know, then there is a gap between the visual impression and the recognition and identification of the person. In this gap you are lost. You panic. You are mad. You are weak. You are fainting.

This is what happens to light when it enters a new media, eg. coming from air entering oil or water. One part of the light goes back, is reflected, other part goes on but bends. So our mind goes from understanding to not understanding and to understanding again. It is as if part of us is clinging, holding on to understanding, while other part is trying to rush forward to understanding again. For a short moment we lose ground by loosing words and thoughts.

When putting the attention on looking out, i.e. focus on the light coming in, doing so during dawn or dusk, form becomes less and less obliging. The edges blur, contrast diminishes. If we hold on though to looking out, which becomes more and more dissatisfactory, something else gets more and more weight and reality, that is the very momemt. The moment and situation become more present as words and thoughts lose their edges and reality. This is a extreme situation, if we hold on to looking out and do not follow our constant stream of thoughts. The shock is not as abrupt as if in the not-recognizing gap. But the feeling of now and real can be maintained for longer time and is easily reproducable.